Source code for bmorph.evaluation.simple_river_network

import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
from typing import List
from bmorph.evaluation.plotting import find_upstream
from bmorph.evaluation import plotting
import networkx as nx

[docs]class SegNode(): """River segment node used in SimpleRiverNetwork. Creates a node of a segment to be used in the simple river network. Attributes ---------- pfaf_code : int Pfafstetter code for this river segment. seg_id : int Idenification for this river segment. upstream : List[SegNode] Containing what is directly upstream from this SegNode. basin_area : float Summative Basin Area for this seg. _end_marker : boolean TRUE if this SegNode marks the end of an interbasin during simple_river_network.ecode_pfaf. This variable is only used during the encoding of pfaffstetter codes for the SimpleRiverNetwork and is set to FALSE when not in use. Changing this variable could interfere with SimpleRiverNetwork operations. encoded : boolean TRUE if this SegNode has been fully given a unique pfaf_code within the SimpleRiverNetwork, otherwise it is FALSE. """ def __init__(self, seg_id, pfaf_code): self.pfaf_code = pfaf_code self.seg_id = seg_id self.aggregated_seg_ids = list() self.upstream: List[SegNode] = list() self.basin_area: None self._end_marker = False self.encoded = False def __repr__(self): return f'[seg_id: {self.seg_id}, pfaf_code: {self.pfaf_code}]' def __str__(self): upstream_seg_id = list() for upstream_SegNode in self.upstream: upstream_seg_id.append(upstream_SegNode.seg_id) return f'seg_id: {self.seg_id}, pfaf_code: {self.pfaf_code}, upstream: {upstream_seg_id}' def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, SegNode): return ((self.seg_id == other.seg_id) and (self.pfaf_code==other.pfaf_code) and (self.basin_area==other.basin_area)) def __iter__(self): yield self for upstream in self.upstream: for node in upstream: yield node
[docs]class SimpleRiverNetwork: """Psuedo-physical visualization of watershed models. The SimpleRiverNetwork maps nodes within a given topography to visualize their arragments and simplify different parts of the network to track statistics propogating through the network. This tree network has the root as outlet, parsing upstream for all operations, opposite of the direction of flow. Attributes ---------- topo : xarray.Dataset Dataset describing the topography of the river network. seg_id_values : list All seg_id's being used in the network that identify river segments in the watershed. outlet : SegNode The end of the river network and start of the SimpleRiverNetwork, aka "root" of the network. adj_mat : numpy.array A square adjacency matrix size N, where N is the length of seg_id_values, that can be used to graph the SimpleRiverNetwork, where the row/column index i corresponds to seg_id i in seg_id_values. network_graph : networkx.graph A networkx graph part of the visual component of the network. More information about NetworkX can be found at network_positions : dictionary A dictionary with networkx nodes as keys and positions as values, using in the plotting of the network. Methods ------- draw_network(label_map=[], color_measure=None) Plots the river network through networkx. draw_multi_measure(color_dict, label_map = []) Overlays multiple network plots to compare multiple measures at once. find_node(target_id, node:SegNode) Linear search of SimpleRiverNetwork for a specific SegNode. find_like_pfaf(node:SegNode, target_pfaf_digits: list, degree:int) Finds nodes based on pfaffstetter codes. collect_upstream_nodes(node:SegNode) Finds all upstream SegNode's. generate_pfaf_map() List of pfaffstetter codes corresponding to `seg_id_values`. generate_weight_map() Creates a list proportional upstream area ratios for each `seg_id_values`. generate_mainstream_map() Highlights the mainstream for plotting in draw_network. generate_pfaf_color_map() Extracts the first pfaffstetter digit of each code for colorcoding. generate_node_highlight_map(seg_ids:list) Highlight specific SegNode's in a SimpleRiverNetwork. pfaf_aggregate() Aggregates the flow network by one pfafstetter level. spawn_srn(spawn_outlet) Creates a new SimpleRiverNetwork from `spawn_outlet` and upstream of it. """ def __init__(self, topo: xr.Dataset, pfaf_seed = int, outlet_index = 0, max_pfaf_level=42): """Creates a SimpleRiverNetwork object. Parameters ---------- topo : xarray.Dataset Dataset describing the topography of the river network. pfaf_seed : int, optional Prefixing digit for the network's pfafstetter encoding. outlet_index : 0 Where the outlet of the river network is located in topo. This is the index value of the river segment's `seg_id` that identifies the network's outlet to construct the tree from. This defaults as 0, assuming the first entry is the outlet. max_pfaf_level : int The maximum number of levels encode_pfaf will run forbefore raising a RuntimeError. By default, this is set to the arbitrary number 42 as a safety mechanism. """ self.topo = topo self.seg_id_values = topo['seg_id'].values self.outlet = SegNode(seg_id=self.seg_id_values[outlet_index], pfaf_code=str(pfaf_seed)) self.update_node_area(self.outlet) N = topo.dims['seg'] self.adj_mat = np.zeros(shape=(N, N), dtype=int) self.parse_upstream(self.outlet) self.encode_pfaf(self.outlet,max_level=max_pfaf_level) self.network_graph = plotting.create_nxgraph(self.adj_mat) self.network_positions = plotting.organize_nxgraph(self.network_graph) self.clear_end_markers(self.outlet) def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, SimpleRiverNetwork): return self._branch_eq_(self.outlet,other.outlet) def _branch_eq_(self, node_self, node_other, match=True): """ Used in the __eq__ function for SimpleRiverNetwork as a recursive function to see if two node's upstream structure are equivalent. Parameters ---------- node_self : SegNode A SegNode to compare with `node_other`. node_other : SegNode A SegNode to compare with `node_self`. match : boolean Holds the default assumption on whether or not the two upstream structures are equivalent. WARNING: this function will only change the assumption to False, changning this may result in a false negative. Returns ------- boolean Whether or not the upstream structures are equivalent. """ # we are settng the default agrument to True and # will change it only to false throughout the code # so we know there are no False statements that # are overriden (i.e. no False Falses) if node_self == node_other and match: if node_self.upstream and node_other.upstream: for upstream_self,upstream_other in zip(node_self.upstream,node_other.upstream): match = self._branch_eq_(upstream_self,upstream_other,match) elif node_self.upstream or node_other.upstream: # meaning one continues upstream while the other # doesn't and is therefor inequivalent match = False else: # meaning the nodes don't match # or a mismatch was already found match = False return match
[docs] def parse_upstream(self, node: SegNode): """Constructs and connects SegNodes according to the network. Recursively constructs network by searching what SegNodes are upstream of the current SegNode and updates the current SegNode's upstream list while also building the adjacency matrix. Parameters ---------- node : SegNode A SegNode to start building the network from. """ upstream_seg_indices = list() node_seg_index = np.where(self.seg_id_values == node.seg_id) find_upstream(self.topo, node.seg_id,upstream_seg_indices) for upstream_seg_index in upstream_seg_indices: self.adj_mat[node_seg_index, upstream_seg_index] += 1 upstream_seg_id = self.seg_id_values[upstream_seg_index] upstream_node = SegNode(seg_id=upstream_seg_id, pfaf_code=self.outlet.pfaf_code) self.update_node_area(upstream_node) node.upstream.append(upstream_node) self.parse_upstream(upstream_node)
[docs] def collect_upstream_nodes(self, node:SegNode): """Finds all upstream SegNode's. Finds all nodes upstream of a node and returns a list of them. Parameters ---------- node : SegNode A SegNode to collect upstream nodes from. Returns ------- list All upstream nodes of `node`. """ upstream_nodes = list() upstream_nodes.extend(node.upstream) for upstream in node.upstream: upstream_nodes.extend(self.collect_upstream_nodes(upstream)) return upstream_nodes
[docs] def clear_network(self): """Sets the network to only the `oulet` SegNode. Sets the adjacency matrix to an empty array and sets the upstream designation of the outlet to an empty list, clearing the shape of the network upstream of the outlet. This does not reset the topograpghy or seg_id_values, so the original shape can be rebuilt. """ self.adj_mat = np.zeros(shape = (0)) self.outlet.upstream = list()
[docs] def clear_end_markers(self,node): """Sets all upstream `_end_marker`'s to False. Sets all end_mark in nodes at and upstream of node to False. Parameters ---------- node : SegNode SegNode to start setting _end_marker to False and moving upstream from. """ if node: node._end_marker = False for upstream in node.upstream: self.clear_end_markers(upstream)
[docs] def update_node_area(self, node: SegNode): """Updates the desired node with basin area information. Parameters ---------- node : SegNode A SegNode to change it and only its `basin_area`. """ basin_area_indices = np.where(self.topo['seg_hru_id'] == node.seg_id)[0] basin_area = 0 for basin_area_index in basin_area_indices: basin_area += self.topo['Basin_Area'].values[basin_area_index] node.basin_area = basin_area
[docs] def net_upstream_area(self, node: SegNode): """Aggregates upstream basin area. Calculates the basin area upstream of `node`. This does include the area of the node of interest Parameters ---------- node : SegNode A SegNode to start from and calculate both its and all upstream nodes aggregate area. Returns ------- float Aggregate upstream area. """ net_area = 0 if node and not node._end_marker: net_area = node.basin_area for upstream_node in node.upstream: try: net_area += self.net_upstream_area(upstream_node) except RecursionError as e: print(node, '\n', node.upstream,"\n", upstream_node,"\n", net_area) raise RecursionError('no') return net_area
[docs] def force_upstream_area(self, node:SegNode): """Aggregates upstream basin area regardless of `_end_marker`. Calculates the basin area upstream of node of interest, ignoring `_end_marker`. This does include the area of the node of interest. Parameters ---------- node : SegNode A SegNode to start from and calculate both its and all upstream SegNode's aggregate area. Returns ------- float Aggregate upstream area. """ net_area = 0 net_area = node.basin_area for upstream_node in node.upstream: net_area += self.force_upstream_area(upstream_node) return net_area
[docs] def check_upstream_end_marking(self, node: SegNode): """Checks if any directly upstream nodes are marked by `_end_marker`. Checks if any nodes directly upstream are `_end_marker`'s and returns True if so. Parameters ---------- node : SegNode A SegNode to check directly upstream from. Returns ------- boolean If any directly upstream nodes are marked by `_end_marker`. """ end_marker_ahead = False for upstream_node in node.upstream: if upstream_node._end_marker: end_marker_ahead = True return end_marker_ahead
[docs] def count_net_upstream(self,node:SegNode): """Inclusively counts number of upstream nodes. Counts the number of SegNode's upstream of `node`, including the original node. Parameters ---------- node : SegNode A SegNode to begin counting from. Returns ------- int Number of SegNode's upstream. """ count = 0 if node and not node._end_marker: count += 1 for upstream_node in node.upstream: count += self.count_net_upstream(upstream_node) return count
[docs] def find_branch(self, node:SegNode): """Locates the nearest upstream branch. Locates a node that branches into 2+ nodes, returning what node branches and any nodes prior to the branch that where in a row. Parameters ---------- node : SegNode A SegNode to start searching from. Returns ------- branch : SegNode The SegNode found with an upstream branch. sequential_nodes : list The list of nodes preceeding and including `branch`. """ branch = None orig_node = node sequential_nodes = [] while not node._end_marker and node.upstream and not branch: if len(node.upstream) > 1: branch = node else: node = node.upstream[0] sequential_nodes.append(node) if len(sequential_nodes): sequential_nodes = [orig_node] + sequential_nodes return branch, sequential_nodes
[docs] def find_node(self, target_id, node:SegNode): """Linear search of SimpleRiverNetwork for a specific SegNode. Searches for and returns a node with the desired `seg_id` upstream of `node`. Parameters ---------- target_id : int A `seg_id` to search for within the SimpleRiverNetwork. node : SegNode A SegNode to start searching from. The `seg_id` of this SegNode is checked against `target_id`. Returns ------- SegNode SegNode with `seg_id` matching `target_id`. If the desired SegNode could not be found, None is returned. """ if node: if node.seg_id == target_id: return node else: if node.upstream: i = 0 result = None while not result and i < len(node.upstream): result = self.find_node(target_id, node.upstream[i]) i += 1 return result else: return None
[docs] def find_like_pfaf(self, node:SegNode, target_pfaf_digits: list, degree:int): """Finds nodes based on pfaffstetter codes. Finds all nodes with the matching digit at the exact same location in pfaf_code and returns all of them in a list. Parameters ---------- node : SegNode A SegNode to start searching from. target_pfaf_digits : list A list of pfaf_digit to search for in the SimpleRiverNetwork. This can be a list of one element. degree : int How many pfafstetter levels deep should the function look for i.e. if you have degree 2, and a pfaf_code of 1234, it will examin "3" to check if it is a match. Returns ------- list A list of odes with like pfaffstetter codes that match the `target_pfaf_digits` at the input degree. """ like_pfaf_nodes= list() if node: if degree < len(node.pfaf_code) and (int(node.pfaf_code[degree]) in target_pfaf_digits): like_pfaf_nodes.append(node) for upstream in node.upstream: like_pfaf_nodes.extend(self.find_like_pfaf(upstream, target_pfaf_digits, degree)) return like_pfaf_nodes
[docs] def append_pfaf(self, node: SegNode, pfaf_digit:int): """Adds a pfaffstetter code digit to all upstream nodes. Parameters ---------- node : SegNode A SegNode to designate the root of the flow tree. pfaf_digit : int The digit to be added to the pfaffstetter codes. """ if not node._end_marker: node.pfaf_code += str(pfaf_digit) for upstream_node in node.upstream: self.append_pfaf(upstream_node, pfaf_digit)
[docs] def append_sequential(self, sequence, base=''): """Adds odd digits for unbranching stream segments. Adds odd digits to the `pfaf_codes` of SegNode's in a row, or in sequence. this ensures all SegNode's within the SimpleRiverNetwork have a unique code. Parameters ---------- sequence : list A list of SegNode's in a sequence, typically aggregated from find_branch. base : str An addition to the `pfaf_code` if needing to append the pfafstetter code being appended. """ if not len(sequence): return #log5 is used since there are 5 odd digits in range(1,10) #and we want to append purely odd digits for sequential nodes total_digits = int(np.ceil(np.max([np.log(len(sequence))/np.log(5), 1]))) append_digit = int(total_digits*'1') for seq_node in sequence: if not seq_node.encoded: seq_node.pfaf_code += str(append_digit) + base seq_node.encoded = True append_digit += 2
[docs] def sort_streams(self, node = SegNode): """Sorts the mainstream and tributary branches from each other. Returns which branches are part of the mainstream and which are part of the tributaries based on aggregate upstream area. This is typically used to determine even and odd pfaffsetter basins for encoding. Parameters ---------- node : SegNode A SegNode to start tracing the mainstream from. this is the "root" of the flow tree. Returns ------- mainstreams : list A list of mainstream SegNode's determined by having the greatest upstream area. tributaries : list A list of tributaries having upstream_area less than the mainstream but still encountered along the way. """ tributaries = list() mainstreams = list() mainstreams.append(node) while node.upstream and not self.check_upstream_end_marking(node): if len(node.upstream) == 1: #if there is only one upstream node, i.e. no branching node = node.upstream[0] mainstreams.append(node) else: #find which node has the largest upstream area and assign #it as the mainstreams and the rest as tributaries upstream_areas = list() for upstream_node in node.upstream: upstream_areas.append(self.net_upstream_area(upstream_node)) max_upstream_area = np.max(upstream_areas) max_upstream_index = upstream_areas.index(max_upstream_area) mainstream_node = node.upstream[max_upstream_index] mainstreams.append(mainstream_node) for tributary_node in node.upstream: if tributary_node is not mainstream_node: #Non-binary definitions of streams coming soon .... tributaries.append(tributary_node) node = mainstream_node return mainstreams, tributaries
[docs] def find_tributary_basins(self, tributaries): """Finds the four tributaries with the largest drainage areas. Parameters ---------- tributaries : list A list of tributary SegNode's to be searched. Returns ------- list A list of the largest_tributaries found in the list of tributaries given. """ largest_tributaries = list() largest_tributary_areas = list() if len(tributaries) > 4: for tributary in tributaries: if len(largest_tributaries) < 4: #keep adding until there are 4 values largest_tributaries.append(tributary) largest_tributary_areas.append(self.net_upstream_area(tributary)) else: #then begin prioritizing by upstream_area #aparently the target audience was not as excited by the smaller ones tributary_upstream_area = self.net_upstream_area(tributary) if tributary_upstream_area > np.min(largest_tributary_areas): #the minimum will be the value needing to be replaced and is #therefore the tested case so that we end up with a list of #nothing being greater than the smallest value remove_index = np.where(largest_tributary_areas == np.min(largest_tributary_areas))[0][0] del largest_tributaries[remove_index] del largest_tributary_areas[remove_index] largest_tributaries.append(tributary) largest_tributary_areas.append(tributary_upstream_area) return largest_tributaries else: #either: #a) there were no tributaries to begin with #b) you had excatly the max number (4) #c) there were less than 4 and you dont need more return tributaries
[docs] def encode_pfaf(self, root_node=SegNode, level=0, max_level=42): """Recursively encodes pfafstetter codes on a SimpleRiverNetwork. Parameters ---------- root_node : SegNode A SegNode from which to start encoding. level : int How many levels deep into recursion the method already is. By default, this starts at 0. max_level : int The maximum number of levels encode_pfaf will run for before raising a RuntimeError. By default, this is set to the arbitrary number 42 as a safety mechanism. """ if level > max_level: raise RuntimeError(f"encode_pfaf has exceed the maximum level of recurion: {max_level}" f"\n You may specify the max_level as a keyword argument if you require more digits") mainstreams, tributaries = self.sort_streams(root_node) #find tributaries with largest draingage areas tributary_basins = self.find_tributary_basins(tributaries) #tributary_basins is in upstream order since tributaries #was made in upstream order pfaf_digit=1 if tributary_basins: tributary_basin_index = 0 interbasin_root = root_node all_seq_nodes = [] for mainstream_index,mainstream in enumerate(mainstreams): while (tributary_basin_index < len(tributary_basins) and tributary_basins[tributary_basin_index] in mainstream.upstream): tributary_basin_found = tributary_basins[tributary_basin_index] #interbasin handling: #1. mark off the interbasin from the rest of the flow tree #2. assign pfaf codes to interbasin members from interbasin_root #3. recursion call the interbasin for pfaf_encode #4. unmark upstream and continue parsing #5. update interbasin_root for upstream_node in mainstream.upstream: upstream_node._end_marker = True self.append_pfaf(interbasin_root, pfaf_digit) self.encode_pfaf(interbasin_root, level=level+1) branch, snodes = self.find_branch(interbasin_root) if len(snodes): all_seq_nodes.append(snodes) for upstream_node in mainstream.upstream: upstream_node._end_marker = False interbasin_root = mainstreams[mainstream_index+1] pfaf_digit += 1 #converts to even to prep for tributary_basin #tributary_basin handling self.append_pfaf(tributary_basin_found, pfaf_digit) self.encode_pfaf(tributary_basin_found, level=level+1) branch, snodes = self.find_branch(tributary_basin_found) if len(snodes): all_seq_nodes.append(snodes) tributary_basin_index += 1 pfaf_digit += 1 #then updates to odd to prep for interbasin #this is for the final interbasin basin of the pfaf_code #where we have passed all of our tributary basins #we also check if this is simply part of a smaller flow tree #by checking end_marking is_part_of_flow_tree = (tributary_basin_index == len(tributary_basins) and self.check_upstream_end_marking(mainstream)) if not mainstream.upstream or is_part_of_flow_tree: self.append_pfaf(interbasin_root, pfaf_digit) self.encode_pfaf(interbasin_root, level=level+1) branch, snodes = self.find_branch(interbasin_root) if len(snodes): all_seq_nodes.append(snodes) snodes = list(all_seq_nodes) for sn in snodes: self.append_sequential(sn, base='')
[docs] def sort_by_pfaf(self, nodes:list, degree=int): """Sorts a list of SegNodes by `pfaf_code`. Sorts a list of SegNode's in decreasing order of a pfaffstetter digit at the given degree. For example, if you have degree 2, and a pfaf_code of 1234, it will use "3" in sorting. Parameters ---------- nodes : list A list of SegNode's to sort. degree : int Which index in a `pfaf_code` the nodes are to be sorted by Returns ------- list The list of sorted nodes. """ sorted_nodes = list() digit = 9 while len(nodes) > 0 and digit > -1: index = 0 for node in nodes: if int(node.pfaf_code[degree])==digit: sorted_nodes.append(nodes[index]) index += 1 digit -= 1 return sorted_nodes
[docs] def generate_pfaf_map(self): """List of pfaffstetter codes corresponding to `seg_id_values`. Creates a list of pfaf_code values in the order of the seg_id_values, including the `seg_id_values. This is a little more cluttered, reccommended only for debugging purposes. Returns ------- list `pfaf_code` values for each corresponding `seg_id` in `seg_id_values`. """ pfaf_map = list() for i, seg_id in enumerate(self.seg_id_values): node = self.find_node(seg_id, self.outlet) if node: pfaf_map.append(f'{int(node.seg_id)}-{node.pfaf_code}') return pfaf_map
[docs] def generate_pfaf_codes(self): """ Creates a list of `pfaf_code` values corresponding to `seg_id_values`. Returns ------- list `pfaf_code` values mapped to `seg_id_values`. """ pfaf_map = list() for i, seg_id in enumerate(self.seg_id_values): node = self.find_node(seg_id, self.outlet) pfaf_map.append(int(node.pfaf_code)) return pfaf_map
[docs] def generate_weight_map(self): """Creates a list proportional upstream area ratios for each `seg_id_values`. Creates a list of fractional weights equivalent to the node's upstream area divided by the overall `basin_area` of the whole SimpleRiverNetwork. these are in order of the `seg_id_values`. Returns ------- list (river segment's cumulative upstream area)/(total basin area) for each river segment corresponding to the `seg_id`'s in `seg_id_values`. """ weight_map = list() total_area = self.topo['Basin_Area'].values.sum() for i, seg_id in enumerate(self.seg_id_values): node = self.find_node(seg_id, self.outlet) area = self.net_upstream_area(node) area_fraction = area/total_area weight_map.append(f'{i}-{area_fraction}') return weight_map
[docs] def generate_mainstream_map(self): """Highlights the mainstream for plotting in draw_network. Creates a list of which nodes are part of the mainstream in order of the `seg_id_values`. Returns ------- list int booleans denoting whether a river segment is part of the mainstream, 1, or off the mainstream, 0, corresponding to each `seg_id` in `seg_id_values`. """ mainstream, tributaries = self.sort_streams(self.outlet) mainstream_ids = list() for mainstream_node in mainstream: mainstream_ids.append(mainstream_node.seg_id) all_segs = list(map(int,self.seg_id_values)) mainstream_seg_map = pd.Series(all_segs).isin(mainstream_ids).astype(int) return mainstream_seg_map
[docs] def generate_pfaf_color_map(self): """Extracts the first pfaffstetter digit of each code for colorcoding. This prepares a `color_measure` for draw_network, where each unique first level pfaffstetter basin can be assigned it's own color by a Colormap. If a SegNode has the `pfaf_code` "1234", then its will have the value "1" in returned map. Using a qualitative colormap of 10 distinct colors, such as matplotlib's "tab10", is recommended since there are 10 unique pfafstetter digits, (0 to 9). Returns ------- pandas.Series Map of color codes for `pfaf_code` of each SegNode to the indicies of each SegNode corresponding to its `seg_id` in `seg_id_values`. The index should not be reassigned as it is used to match the correct nodes together in draw_network. """ pfaf_color_map = list() for i,seg_id in enumerate(self.seg_id_values): node = self.find_node(seg_id, self.outlet) first_pfaf_digit = int(node.pfaf_code[0]) pfaf_color_map.append(first_pfaf_digit) return pd.Series(pfaf_color_map)
[docs] def generate_node_highlight_map(self, seg_ids:list): """Highlight specific SegNode's in a SimpleRiverNetwork. Takes a list of `seg_id`'s and creates a pandas.Series that highlights the nodes in the list. This is best used as a diagnostic tool, finding where a specific river segment is located on a network map. Using a colormap that has notably different colors on the extremes, such as matplotlib's "Reds", is recommended to make highlighted nodes stand out. Parameters ---------- seg_ids : list A list of `seg_id` values to mark specific SegNode's apart from other SegNode's. Returns ------- list A list that will identify these highlighted nodes for draw_network by int booleans, 1 is to be higlighted while 0 is not. """ return pd.Series(self.seg_id_values).isin(seg_ids).astype(int)
[docs] def reconstruct_adj_mat(self, node, adj_mat: np.ndarray): """Rebuilds the adjacency matrix from an existing flow tree. Parameters ---------- node : SegNode A SegNode to construct the adjacency matrix from adj_mat : numpy.ndarray A square numpy ndarray of zeros originally, the size equal to len(`seg_id_values`) by len(`seg_id_values`), to be filled. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray The reconstructed adjacenecy matrix that needs to be set as the network's adjacency matrix to actually alter the flow tree. """ if node and node.upstream: node_seg_index = np.where(self.seg_id_values == node.seg_id) for upstream_node in node.upstream: upstream_seg_index = np.where(self.seg_id_values == upstream_node.seg_id) adj_mat[node_seg_index, upstream_seg_index] += 1 adj_mat = self.reconstruct_adj_mat(upstream_node,adj_mat) return adj_mat
[docs] def pfaf_aggregate(self): """Aggregates the flow network by one pfafstetter level. This "rolls up" a SimpleRiverNetwork to simplify the overall map, similar to decreasing the number of lines in a contour plot to make it more legible. If the longest `pfaf_code` in the network is four digits long, such as "1234" or "5678", then all of the SegNodes sharing the first three digits will be replaced by a singular SegNode with the `pfaf_code` of those first three digits. For example: if you have `pfaf_code`'s "1231", "1232", "1233", and "1234", then they become a SegNode with the `pfaf_code` "123". Basin area for each SegNode is summed to create the basin area of the new SegNode. Aggregating other properties is still in progress. """ # we will be looking to reduce the total number of levels by 1 # in each aggregation cycle # this means that we will look to aggregate the deepest level # and search the flow tree for pfaf_codes matching the length # of the maximum level pfaf_codes = self.generate_pfaf_codes() current_total_levels = max([len(s.pfaf_code) for s in self.outlet]) if current_total_levels == 1: raise UserError("The network currently has a maximum Pfaffstetter code of length 1 - cannot aggregate any further!") aggregation_target_nodes = self.find_like_pfaf(self.outlet, list(np.arange(10)), current_total_levels-1) aggregation_target_nodes = self.sort_by_pfaf(aggregation_target_nodes,current_total_levels-2) search_index = 0 if current_total_levels > -1: while search_index < len(aggregation_target_nodes): current_node = aggregation_target_nodes[search_index] # we need to collect which nodes we are going to aggregate summative_basin_area = 0 basin_nodes = list() aggregated_seg_ids = list() basin_pfaf_root = current_node.pfaf_code[:-1] for target_node in aggregation_target_nodes: if target_node.pfaf_code[:-1] == basin_pfaf_root and target_node != current_node: basin_nodes.append(target_node) summative_basin_area += target_node.basin_area aggregated_seg_ids.append(target_node.seg_id) aggregated_seg_ids.extend(target_node.aggregated_seg_ids) # since we are going to aggregate these upsteam nodes # into the current node, we need to remove them # from our search list to avoid searching for ghost nodes # also, be sure to check out my new techno-thriller: ghost_nodes for basin_node in basin_nodes: aggregation_target_nodes.remove(basin_node) self.seg_id_values = np.delete(self.seg_id_values,np.where( self.seg_id_values == basin_node.seg_id)) #print(" basin_nodes: ", basin_nodes) basin_upstream = list() for basin_node in basin_nodes: if basin_node.upstream: for upstream_node in basin_node.upstream: if upstream_node not in basin_nodes: basin_upstream.append(upstream_node) #print(" basin_upstream: ", basin_upstream) #print('\n') # here we do the numerical aggregation, actually changing the # internal values of the aggregating seg_node #summative_basin_area = self.net_upstream_area(current_node) new_pfaf_code = basin_pfaf_root current_node.aggregated_seg_ids.extend(aggregated_seg_ids) current_node.pfaf_code = new_pfaf_code current_node.basin_area += summative_basin_area if len(basin_upstream) > 0: current_node.upstream = basin_upstream else: current_node.upstream: List[SegNode] = list() aggregation_target_nodes.remove(current_node) # Here we need to update various properties of the flow tree # So that our changes are reflected in the net tree's attributes N = len(self.seg_id_values) self.adj_mat = self.reconstruct_adj_mat(node=self.outlet,adj_mat = np.zeros(shape=(N,N), dtype = int)) self.network_graph = plotting.create_nxgraph(self.adj_mat) self.network_positions = plotting.organize_nxgraph(self.network_graph)
[docs] def color_network_graph(self, measure, cmap, vmax=None, vmin=None): """Creats a dictionary and colorbar depicting `measure`. Parameters ---------- measure : pandas.Series, optional Describes how colors for each SegNode should be allocated relative to a linear colormap. The index is expected to match the indicies of `seg_id_values` as a 0:len(`seg_id_values`)-1 array. If no measure is specified, then colors will be assigned sequentially in order of `seg_id_values`. cmap : matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap Colormap to be used for coloring the SimpleRiverNewtork plot. vmin: float, optional Minimum value for coloring vmax: float, optional Maximum value for coloring Returns ------- color_dict : dict Dictionary of {i:color} where i is the index of the SegNode's `seg_id` in `seg_id_values`. color_bar : ScalarMappable A color bar used to plot color values determined by `measure` for plotting in draw_network. """ if type(measure) != type(None): return plotting.color_code_nxgraph(self.network_graph, measure, cmap, vmax=vmax, vmin=vmin) else: color_bar = None segs = np.arange(0,len(self.seg_id_values)) color_vals = segs/len(segs) color_dict = {f'{seg}': mpl.colors.to_hex(cmap(i)) for i, seg in zip(color_vals, segs)} return color_dict, color_bar
[docs] def size_network_graph(self, measure): """TODO: Implement""" segs = np.arange(0,len(self.seg_id_values)) size_vals = segs/len(segs) size_dict = {f'{seg}': 200*size_vals(i) for i, seg in zip(size_vals,segs)} return size_dict
[docs] def draw_network(self, label_map=[], color_measure=None, cmap ='hsv'), node_size = 200, font_size = 8, font_weight = 'bold', node_shape = 's', linewidths = 2, font_color = 'w', node_color = None, with_labels=False, with_cbar=False, with_background=True, cbar_labelsize=10, vmin=None, vmax=None, edge_color='k', alpha=1, cbar_title = '', cbar_label_pad=40, ax = None): """Plots the river network through networkx. Plots the visual component of the SimpleRiverNetwork where spatial connections between river segments can be seen. This graphical tool may not match the topographical shape of the actual river network, but it should be similar. Visualizng how the river segments are connected virtually can help find errors in the construction of large models or locate where analysis only associated with the `seg_id` of a river segment corresponds to the pseudo-physical network. Plotting the network with labels, highlighting specific nodes, color coding by pfafstetter basin, and other coloring can help visually connect this plot with a topographical plot. Parameters ---------- label_map : list, optional Text to be plotted on top of each node in the same order as `seg_id_values`. There must be a value for each `seg_id` in `seg_id_values` and the values must be unique, otherwise an error will arise in plotting. color_measure : pandas.Series, optional Describes how colors for each SegNode should be allocated relative to a linear colormap. The index is expected to match the indicies of `seg_id_values` as a 0:len(`seg_id_values`)-1 array. cmap : matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap, optional Colormap to be used for coloring the SimpleRiverNewtork plot. This is defaulted as'hsv'), a vibrant set of colors to alert that a more specific colormap has not been specified. node_size : float, optional Plotting size the nodes, defaulting at 200. font_size : float, optional Font size of the text from `label_map` on top of each node, defaulted at 8. font_weight : str, optional Font weight of the text from `label_map` on top of each node, defaulted as `bold`. node_shape : str, optional Shape of the plotted nodes, defaults as 's' for square. Networkx uses can use any one of 'so^>v<dph8'. linewidths : float, optional Width of the connecting lines between nodes, defaults as 2. font_color : str, optional Font color of the text from `label_map` on top of each node, defaulted as `w` for white. with_labels : boolean, optional Whether labels should be plotted on top of each node, True, or not, False. This is defaulted as False. with_cbar : boolean, optional Whether a colorbar should be plotted right of the network plot, True, or not, False. This is defaulted as False. with_background : boolean, optional Whether a background should be plotted with the network figure, True, or not, False. This is defaulted as True. If desiring to download the image with a transparent background, such as a PNG, then set this to False. cbar_labelsize : float, optional Font size of the labels on the colorbar that can be attached in `with_cbar` being set to True, defaulted as 10. vmin: float, optional Minimum value for coloring vmax: float, optional Maximum value for coloring edge_color : str, optional Node outline color of each node, defaulted as 'k' for black. alpha : float Transparancy of each node, where 1 is perfectly opaque and 0 is perfectly transparent. This is primarly useful in draw_multi_measure, where plots are overlayed on top of each other. cbar_title : str, optional Title of the colorbar that can be attached in `with_cbar` being set to True. This is defaulted as '' to exclude a title. cbar_label_pad : float, optional Padding for the colorbar labels, defaulted as 40. ax : Matplotlib Axes object, optional Draw the network in the specified Matplotlib axes. """ if type(color_measure) != type(None): if type(color_measure) != pd.Series: raise Exception("Color_measure is not a pandas Series") elif color_measure.size != len(self.seg_id_values): raise Exception("Color_measure size does not match number of nodes, double check measure aggregation.") network_color_dict, network_color_cbar = self.color_network_graph(color_measure,cmap, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) # we need to make sure that if the nodes have been relabeled by a previous # draw_network call, that we then restore them to their original labels # for future relabling expected_labels = list() current_labels = list() match = True for expected_label, current_label in zip(network_color_dict.keys(),self.network_graph.nodes): expected_labels.append(int(expected_label)) current_labels.append(current_label) if match and (int(expected_label) != current_label): match = False if not match: # if the nodes have been relabeled from what we expect them to be # then we will adjust relabel them to their original values # since we have already checked that they are the same length standard_label_map = np.arange(len(expected_labels)) new_network_graph = nx.relabel_nodes(self.network_graph, dict(zip(self.network_graph.nodes(),standard_label_map)),copy=True) self.network_graph = new_network_graph self.network_positions = plotting.organize_nxgraph(self.network_graph) # if we want to relabel the nodes in this function call, # then we will do so here if len(label_map) > 0: new_network_color_dict = dict() for key in network_color_dict.keys(): new_network_color_dict[f"{label_map[int(key)]}"] = network_color_dict[key] new_network_graph = nx.relabel_nodes(self.network_graph, dict(zip(self.network_graph.nodes(),label_map)),copy=True) network_color_dict = new_network_color_dict self.network_graph = new_network_graph self.network_positions = plotting.organize_nxgraph(self.network_graph) network_nodecolors = [network_color_dict[f'{node}'] for node in self.network_graph.nodes()] if node_color: network_nodecolors = node_color if type(ax) is type(None): ax = plt.axes() nx.draw_networkx(self.network_graph,self.network_positions,with_labels=with_labels, node_size=node_size,font_size=font_size,font_weight=font_weight,node_shape=node_shape, linewidths=linewidths,font_color=font_color,node_color=network_nodecolors, edge_color=edge_color, alpha=alpha, ax=ax) if with_cbar: cbar = plt.colorbar(network_color_cbar, ax=ax) cbar.set_label(cbar_title, rotation=270, labelpad=cbar_label_pad, fontsize=cbar_labelsize) if not with_background: plt.axis('off') ax.invert_yaxis()
[docs] def draw_multi_measure(self, color_dict, label_map = [], node_size = 200, font_size = 8, font_weight = 'bold', node_shape = 's', linewidths = 2, font_color = 'w', with_labels=False, with_cbar=False, with_background=True): """Overlays multiple network plots to compare multiple measures at once. Plots several networkx plots of user specified transparency for a single SimpleRiverNetwork to compare mutliple measures at once. For example, if dataset_1 is "Blues" and dataset_2 is "Reds", then a bivariate colormap can be used where shades of purple would represent the combinations of dataset_1 and dataset_2. Parameters ---------- color_dict : dict Expected as {name: [pandas.Series, cmap, alpha]} to organize which colormap applies to which data. label_map : list, optional Text to be plotted on top of each node in the same order as `seg_id_values`. There must be a value for each `seg_id` in `seg_id_values` and the values must be unique, otherwise an error will arise in plotting. node_size : float, optional Plotting size the nodes, defaulting at 200. font_size : float, optional Font size of the text from `label_map` on top of each node, defaulted at 8. font_weight : str, optional Font weight of the text from `label_map` on top of each node, defaulted as `bold`. node_shape : str, optional Shape of the plotted nodes, defaults as 's' for square. Networkx uses can use any one of 'so^>v<dph8'. linewidths : float, optional Width of the connecting lines between nodes, defaults as 2. font_color : str, optional Font color of the text from `label_map` on top of each node, defaulted as `w` for white. with_labels : boolean, optional Whether labels should be plotted on top of each node, True, or not, False. This is defaulted as False. with_cbar : boolean, optional Whether a colorbar should be plotted right of the network plot, True, or not, False. This is defaulted as False. with_background : boolean, optional Whether a background should be plotted with the network figure, True, or not, False. This is defaulted as True. If desiring to download the image with a transparent background, such as a PNG, then set this to False. """ # first we will double check that the alpha's do not sum to more than 1, for this # may muddle the data alpha_sum = 0 for color_key in color_dict.keys(): alpha_sum += color_dict[color_key][2] if alpha_sum > 1.0: raise Exception("alpha values sum to more than 1.0, this may cover up data please revise") else: for color_key in color_dict.keys(): self.draw_network(label_map = label_map, color_measure=color_dict[color_key][0], cmap = color_dict[color_key][1], node_size=node_size, font_size=font_size, font_weight=font_weight, node_shape=node_shape, linewidths=linewidths, font_color=font_color, alpha=color_dict[color_key][2], with_labels=with_labels, with_cbar=with_cbar, with_background=with_background)
[docs] def aggregate_measure_sum(self, dataset_seg_ids: np.ndarray, variable: np.ndarray)-> pd.Series: """This is a preliminary function. Determines the sum measure value for the given variable based on how SimpleRiverNetwork has been aggregated and provides a pandas.Series to plot on the SimpleRiverNetwork. Parameters ---- dataset_seg_ids : numpy.ndarray Contains all the seg_id values according to the original topology. This should be in the same order seg order as variable. variable : numpy.ndarray Contains all the variable values according to the original topology. This should be in the same order seg order as dataset_seg_ids. Returns ------- pandas.Series A pandas.Series formated as: (seg_id_values_index, aggregated measure) """ # color_measure, (for plotting) is formmated as (seg_id_values_index, value) if len(dataset_seg_ids.shape) != 1: raise Exception("The dimension of `dataset_seg_ids` is not 1, aggregation may be inaccurate") if len(variable.shape) != 1: raise Exception("The dimension of `variable` is not 1, aggregation may be inaccurate") new_measure_data = list() for seg_id in self.seg_id_values: node = self.find_node(seg_id, self.outlet) seg_id_index = np.where(dataset_seg_ids == seg_id)[0] measure_var_seg = [variable[seg_id_index]] for aggregated_seg_id in node.aggregated_seg_ids: aggregated_seg_id_index = np.where(dataset_seg_ids == aggregated_seg_id)[0] measure_var_seg.append(variable[aggregated_seg_id_index]) new_measure_data.append(np.sum(measure_var_seg)) return pd.Series(data = new_measure_data, index = np.arange(0,len(self.seg_id_values)))
[docs] def aggregate_measure_mean(self, dataset_seg_ids: np.ndarray, variable: np.ndarray)-> pd.Series: """This is a preliminary function. Determines the mean measure value for the given variable based on how SimpleRiverNetwork has been aggregated and provides a pandas.Series to plot on the SimpleRiverNetwork. Parameters ---------- dataset_seg_ids : numpy.ndarray Contains all the seg_id values according to the original topology. This should be in the same order seg order as variable. variable : numpy.ndarray Contains all the variable values according to the original topology. This should be in the same order seg order as dataset_seg_ids. Returns ------- pandas.Series A pandas.Series formated as: (seg_id_values_index, aggregated measure) """ # color_measure, (for plotting) is formmated as (seg_id_values_index, value) if len(dataset_seg_ids.shape) != 1: raise Exception("The dimension of `dataset_seg_ids` is not 1, aggregation may be inaccurate") if len(variable.shape) != 1: raise Exception("The dimension of `variable` is not 1, aggregation may be inaccurate") new_measure_data = list() for seg_id in self.seg_id_values: node = self.find_node(seg_id, self.outlet) seg_id_index = np.where(dataset_seg_ids == seg_id)[0] measure_var_seg = [variable[seg_id_index]] for aggregated_seg_id in node.aggregated_seg_ids: aggregated_seg_id_index = np.where(dataset_seg_ids == aggregated_seg_id)[0] measure_var_seg.append(variable[aggregated_seg_id_index]) new_measure_data.append(np.mean(measure_var_seg)) return pd.Series(data = new_measure_data, index = np.arange(0,len(self.seg_id_values)))
[docs] def aggregate_measure_median(self, dataset_seg_ids: np.ndarray, variable: np.ndarray)-> pd.Series: """This is a preliminary function. Determines the median measure value for the given variable based on how SimpleRiverNetwork has been aggregated and provides a pandas.Series to plot on the SimpleRiverNetwork. Parameters ---------- dataset_seg_ids : numpy.ndarray Contains all the seg_id values according to the original topology. This should be in the same order seg order as variable. variable : numpy.ndarray Contains all the variable values according to the original topology. This should be in the same order seg order as dataset_seg_ids. Returns ------- pandas.Series A pandas.Series formated as: (seg_id_values_index, aggregated measure). """ # color_measure, (for plotting) is formmated as (seg_id_values_index, value) if len(dataset_seg_ids.shape) != 1: raise Exception("The dimension of `dataset_seg_ids` is not 1, aggregation may be inaccurate") if len(variable.shape) != 1: raise Exception("The dimension of `variable` is not 1, aggregation may be inaccurate") new_measure_data = list() for seg_id in self.seg_id_values: node = self.find_node(seg_id, self.outlet) seg_id_index = np.where(dataset_seg_ids == seg_id)[0] measure_var_seg = [variable[seg_id_index]] for aggregated_seg_id in node.aggregated_seg_ids: aggregated_seg_id_index = np.where(dataset_seg_ids == aggregated_seg_id)[0] measure_var_seg.append(variable[aggregated_seg_id_index]) new_measure_data.append(np.median(measure_var_seg)) return pd.Series(data = new_measure_data, index = np.arange(0,len(self.seg_id_values)))
[docs] def aggregate_measure_max(self, dataset_seg_ids: np.ndarray, variable: np.ndarray)-> pd.Series: """This is a preliminary function. Determines the maximum measure value for the given variable based on how SimpleRiverNetwork has been aggregated and provides a pandas.Series to plot on the SimpleRiverNetwork. Parameters ---------- dataset_seg_ids : numpy.ndarray Contains all the seg_id values according to the original topology. This should be in the same order seg order as variable. variable : numpy.ndarray Contains all the variable values according to the original topology. This should be in the same order seg order as dataset_seg_ids. Returns ------- pandas.Series A pandas.Series formated as: (seg_id_values_index, aggregated measure) """ # color_measure, (for plotting) is formmated as (seg_id_values_index, value) if len(dataset_seg_ids.shape) != 1: raise Exception("The dimension of `dataset_seg_ids` is not 1, aggregation may be inaccurate") if len(variable.shape) != 1: raise Exception("The dimension of `variable` is not 1, aggregation may be inaccurate") new_measure_data = list() for seg_id in self.seg_id_values: node = self.find_node(seg_id, self.outlet) seg_id_index = np.where(dataset_seg_ids == seg_id)[0] measure_var_seg = [variable[seg_id_index]] for aggregated_seg_id in node.aggregated_seg_ids: aggregated_seg_id_index = np.where(dataset_seg_ids == aggregated_seg_id)[0] measure_var_seg.append(variable[aggregated_seg_id_index]) new_measure_data.append(np.max(measure_var_seg)) return pd.Series(data = new_measure_data, index = np.arange(0,len(self.seg_id_values)))
[docs] def aggregate_measure_min(self, dataset_seg_ids: np.ndarray, variable: np.ndarray)-> pd.Series: """ Determines the minimum measure value for the given variable based on how SimpleRiverNetwork has been aggregated and provides a pandas.Series to plot on the SimpleRiverNetwork. Parameters ---------- dataset_seg_ids : numpy.ndarray Contains all the seg_id values according to the original topology. This should be in the same order seg order as variable. variable : numpy.ndarray Contains all the variable values according to the original topology. This should be in the same order seg order as dataset_seg_ids. Returns ------- pandas.Series A pandas.Series formated as: (seg_id_values_index, aggregated measure) """ # color_measure, (for plotting) is formmated as (seg_id_values_index, value) if len(dataset_seg_ids.shape) != 1: raise Exception("The dimension of `dataset_seg_ids` is not 1, aggregation may be inaccurate") if len(variable.shape) != 1: raise Exception("The dimension of `variable` is not 1, aggregation may be inaccurate") new_measure_data = list() for seg_id in self.seg_id_values: node = self.find_node(seg_id, self.outlet) seg_id_index = np.where(dataset_seg_ids == seg_id)[0] measure_var_seg = [variable[seg_id_index]] for aggregated_seg_id in node.aggregated_seg_ids: aggregated_seg_id_index = np.where(dataset_seg_ids == aggregated_seg_id)[0] measure_var_seg.append(variable[aggregated_seg_id_index]) new_measure_data.append(np.min(measure_var_seg)) return pd.Series(data = new_measure_data, index = np.arange(0,len(self.seg_id_values)))
[docs] def aggregate_measure(self, dataset_seg_ids: np.ndarray, variable: np.ndarray, aggregation_function)-> pd.Series: """This is a preliminary function. Aggregates the measure value for the given variable based on how SimpleRiverNetwork has been aggregated and provides a pandas.Series to plot on the SimpleRiverNetwork. Parameters ---------- dataset_seg_ids : numpy.ndarray Contains all the seg_id values according to the original topology. This should be in the same order seg order as variable. variable : numpy.ndarray Contains all the variable values according to the original topology. This should be in the same order seg order as dataset_seg_ids. aggregation_function : numpy function A function to be passed in on how the aggregated segs should have this variable combined, recommended as a numpy function like np.sum, np.median, np.mean ... Returns ------- a pd.Series formated as: (seg_id_values_index, aggregated measure) """ # color_measure, (for plotting) is formmated as (seg_id_values_index, value) if len(dataset_seg_ids.shape) != 1: raise Exception("The dimension of `dataset_seg_ids` is not 1, aggregation may be inaccurate") if len(variable.shape) != 1: raise Exception("The dimension of `variable` is not 1, aggregation may be inaccurate") new_measure_data = list() for seg_id in self.seg_id_values: node = self.find_node(seg_id, self.outlet) seg_id_index = np.where(dataset_seg_ids == seg_id)[0] measure_var_seg = [variable[seg_id_index]] for aggregated_seg_id in node.aggregated_seg_ids: aggregated_seg_id_index = np.where(dataset_seg_ids == aggregated_seg_id)[0] measure_var_seg.append(variable[aggregated_seg_id_index]) new_measure_data.append(aggregation_function(measure_var_seg)) return pd.Series(data = new_measure_data, index = np.arange(0,len(self.seg_id_values)))
[docs] def spawn_srn(self, spawn_outlet): """Creates a new SimpleRiverNetwork from `spawn_outlet` and upstream of it. A new SimpleRiverNetwork structure is generated from the current network. This is useful if modeling a large watershed and desire to focus on a specific element of it without having to reselect out all the nodes, for example: the Snake River Basin within the Columbia River Basin dataset. Parameters ---------- spawn_outlet : int The `seg_id`of a SegNode in the current SimpleRiverNetwork to generate from. This creates an outlet that the new tree is to be spawned from. Returns ------- SimpleRiverNetwork A new SimpleRiverNetwork with the outlet set to `spawn_outlet`. Properites are transferred from the pervious SimpleRiverNetwork to this one, but any SegNodes not upstream from `spawn_outlet` are not included in this new one. """ self.clear_end_markers spawn_segIDs = list() for node in spawn_outlet: spawn_segIDs.append(node.seg_id) spawn_seg_indexes = list() for segID in spawn_segIDs: seg_index = np.where(self.seg_id_values == segID)[0][0] spawn_seg_indexes.append(seg_index) spawn_topo = self.topo.isel(seg=spawn_seg_indexes) return SimpleRiverNetwork(spawn_topo,"")